Release Notes


Released on December 17th, 2024.

Release Notes

  • Reset domain crossings (RDC) detection

  • Fully rewritten Verilog/SystemVerilog plugin:

    • Parses all standards

    • Runs much faster

    • Adds 136 new rules, most of which are included in the free version of Linty HDL Designer

  • Rules and reports on FSM now also apply to Verilog and mixed-language projects

  • Built on SonarQube 10.7

New rules

145 new rules:

  • HDL: 8 new rules on reset domains, RDC, input port registration, etc.

  • VHDL: 1 new rule on not using reserved words in future VHDL standards as identifiers

  • Verilog/SystemVerilog: 136 new rules on implicit casts and conversions, overflows and many more

Upgrade notes

The following rules now apply to VHDL, Verilog/SystemVerilog and mixed-language designs:

Activate corresponding HDL rules if some of these VHDL rules were activated in your VHDL quality profiles.


Released on May 18th, 2024.

Release Notes

This release focuses on architecture with new rules and design hierarchy graph in Linty HDL Designer. It also provides the ability to generate documentation as HTML.

Design Hierarchy

Built on SonarQube 10.5.1.

New rules

Rules that now apply to VHDL, Verilog/SystemVerilog and mixed-language designs

Upgrade Notes

Activate HDL1013 and HDL1014 to replace removed VHDL1055 and VHDL1056 rules.


Released on February 8th, 2024.

Release Notes

Linty detects all clock domain crossings (CDC). You can now easily browse, investigate, accept or fix any clock domain crossing.


Built on SonarQube 10.3.0.

New rules

Rules that now apply to VHDL, Verilog/SystemVerilog and mixed-language designs

A new language has been created: HDL. HDL rules apply to VHDL, Verilog/SystemVerilog and mixed-language designs.

The following rules have been extended to apply to VHDL and Verilog/SystemVerilog and mixed-language designs. You should activate those rules in replacement of the related (and removed) VHDL/Verilog rules:

Linty Scanner adds compatibility to Windows and Mac

Linty analyses can now be run from Linux, Windows and Mac machines built on AMD, Intel or ARM processors.

Upgrade Notes

Please, ask for a new license key before upgrading to this latest version.


Released on November 25th, 2023.

Release Notes

You can now check more than 200 rules on your VHDL code.

Built on the latest SonarQube 10.3.0.


12 new rules have been added:

VHDL187 has been split into three rules to allow different naming conventions for for, if and case generate statements:

Browse all new rules.

Upgrade Notes


Released on September 19th, 2023.

Release Notes

Linty now fully supports multi-language (VHDL and Verilog/SystemVerilog) projects.

Built on the latest SonarQube 10.2.0 version with support of Clean Code attributes.


10 new rules have been added, most of them around clock and reset domains:

Browse all new rules.

Upgrade Notes

  • Request a new licence key before upgrading

  • Update the following property keys if you set them for some of your projects:

    • sonar.vhdl.topLevelEntity => sonar.hdl.topModule

    • sonar.vhdl.file.simulationPaths => sonar.hdl.file.simulationPaths

    • sonar.vhdl.yosys.hierarchyScriptPath => sonar.bugfinder.hierarchyScriptPath

    • sonar.vhdl.yosys.readScriptPath => sonar.bugfinder.readScriptPath

    • sonar.vhdl.yosys.workdir => sonar.bugfinder.workdir


Released on July 4th, 2023.

Release Notes

Built on the latest SonarQube 10.1.0 version.

It is now possible to add custom plugins to the Linty platform.


Linty VHDL now highlights, in gray, pieces of code that are not synthesized, adds four new rules:

and improves existing rules with knowledge of unused code.


This version integrates BugFinder for Verilog with its first rule: VERILOG1000 - Unused modules should be removed and adds design graph of each module.

Upgrade Notes

Split your build.ys file into read.ys and hierarchy.ys. Replace read -vhdl <my_file> with verific -vhdl <my_file>. See Scan Your Code for further details.

Two distributions of the linty-server Docker image are now available:


Released on April 26th, 2023.

Release Notes

Built on the latest SonarQube 10.0.0 version.


This version adds two new rules:

And generates graphical representations of the design. It is nice, for instance, to easily spot combinatorial loops.

Upgrade Notes

Follow uprade guide.


Released on March 9th, 2023.

Release Notes

First official release of the Linty Server as Docker image.


This version includes BugFinder, a new powerful engine to detect bugs based on synthesized code analysis. BugFinder rules are tagged as bug-finder). There are 47 of them in this first version. Here are some of them:

Browse all of them on our demo instance.

Lots of rules have been added or improved. Some rules also changed ID because they were re-implemented with BugFinder. Thus, we highly recommend you to review your quality profile(s) to (re)activate and configure new rules.