CP1 |
Avoid Incorrect VHDL Type Usage |
no |
none |
Synthesis during Linty analysis would fail |
CP2 |
Avoid Duplicate Signal Assignments |
yes |
none |
CP3 |
Avoid Hard-Coded Numeric Values |
yes |
full |
VHDL023: Hardcoded numeric values should be used only in “constant” or “generic”
CP4 |
Avoid Hard-Coded Vector Assignment |
yes |
full |
VHDL236: Vector assignments should not be hardcoded
CP5 |
Ensure Consistent FSM State Encoding Style |
yes |
full |
VHDL1005: FSM states should be encoded using enumerated type
CP6 |
Ensure Safe FSM Transitions |
yes |
low |
VHDL1040: FSM number of states should equal its type number of states
CP7 |
Avoid Mismatching Ranges |
yes |
full |
VHDL1066: Objects of different lengths should not be compared
CP8 |
Ensure Complete Sensitivity List |
yes |
full |
VHDL1037: The sensitivity list of a process should be minimal
VHDL1072: The sensitivity list of a process should be complete
CP9 |
Ensure Proper Sub-Program Body |
yes |
full |
VHDL166: Recursive functions should not be used
VHDL1068: Functions should always return a value
VHDL233: Synthesizable functions and procedures should not use external signals and variables
CP10 |
Assign Value Before Using |
yes |
full |
VHDL1069: Signals and variables should be assigned a value before being used
CP11 |
Avoid Unconnected Input Ports |
yes |
full |
VHDL138: All output ports (and optionally all input ports) of a component should be mapped
CP12 |
Avoid Unconnected Output Ports |
yes |
full |
VHDL138: All output ports (and optionally all input ports) of a component should be mapped
CP13 |
Declare Objects Before Use |
no |
none |
Synthesis during Linty analysis would fail |
CP14 |
Avoid Unused Declarations |
yes |
full |
VHDL135: All declared parameters should be used in the corresponding function/procedure
VHDL134: All declared elements should be used in their corresponding scope
VHDL1052: Unused generate blocks should be removed
VHDL1050: Unused entities should be removed
VHDL1051: Unused architectures should be removed
CDC1 |
Analyze Multiple Asynchronous Clocks |
yes |
full |
HDL1000: All clock domains should be reviewed
HDL1001: All clock domain crossings (CDC) should be reviewed
SS1 |
Avoid Implied Logic |
yes |
low |
VHDL224: Internal tristates should not be used
SS2 |
Ensure Proper Case Statement Specification |
yes |
full |
‘Be complete’ would be caught at synthesis step of Linty analysis |
VHDL1065: Choices should not overlap
VHDL1064: Choices outside of range should be removed
VHDL003: Each case statement should define an “others” clause
SS3 |
Avoid Combinational Feedback |
yes |
full |
HDL1003: Combinatorial loops should be removed
SS4 |
Avoid Latch Inference |
yes |
full |
VHDL1036: “if” statements should always contain an “else” statement in combinational processes to avoid undesired latch inference
VHDL1063: Latches should be removed
SS5 |
Avoid Multiple Waveforms |
yes |
full |
VHDL235: Signal assignments should not contain multiple waveforms
SS6 |
Avoid Multiple Drivers |
yes |
full |
VHDL140: Concurrent assignments should be complete to avoid undesired latch inference
VHDL139: Signals and variables should not be assigned in multiple processes or equivalent concurrent assignments
SS7 |
Avoid Uninitialized VHDL Deferred Constants |
yes |
full |
VHDL155: All deferred constants should be initialized
SS8 |
Avoid Clock Used as Data |
yes |
high |
VHDL1012: Clock signals not used as clock of a flip-flop should be reviewed
SS9 |
Avoid Shared Clock and Reset Signal |
yes |
high |
VHDL1033: Reset signals not used as reset of a flip-flop should be reviewed
VHDL1012: Clock signals not used as clock of a flip-flop should be reviewed
SS10 |
Avoid Gated Clocks |
yes |
none |
SS11 |
Avoid Internally Generated Clocks |
yes |
none |
SS12 |
Avoid Internally Generated Resets |
yes |
none |
SS13 |
Avoid Mixed Polarity Reset |
yes |
full |
VHDL1027: Active-high resets should be preferred over active-low resets
VHDL1028: Active-low resets should be preferred over active-high resets
SS14 |
Avoid Unresettable Registers |
yes |
none |
SS15 |
Avoid Asynchronous Reset Release |
yes |
none |
SS16 |
Avoid Initialization Assignments |
yes |
none |
SS17 |
Avoid Undriven and Unused Logic |
no |
none |
SS18 |
Ensure Register Controllability |
yes |
none |
SS19 |
Avoid Snake Paths |
yes |
low |
VHDL172: Conditional branching statements (“if”, “case”, “while” and “for” loops) should not be too deeply nested
SS20 |
Ensure Nesting Limits |
yes |
full |
VHDL172: Conditional branching statements (“if”, “case”, “while” and “for” loops) should not be too deeply nested
SS21 |
Ensure Consistent Vector Order |
yes |
full |
VHDL036: Vector direction in ranges should always be the same
DR1 |
Use Statement Labels |
yes |
low |
VHDL213: Processes should be identified by labels
DR2 |
Avoid Mixed Case Naming for Differentiation |
yes |
full |
VHDL136: All references should have the same case as the corresponding declarations
DR3 |
Ensure Unique Name Spaces |
yes |
full |
VHDL209: Type/Subtype names should be unique in a project
VHDL016: Signal names should be unique in a project
VHDL015: Constant names should be unique in a project
VHDL012: Function names should be unique in a project
VHDL007: Architecture names should be unique in a project
VHDL009: Entity names should be unique in a project
VHDL008: Configuration names should be unique in a project
VHDL234: Variable names should be unique in a project
VHDL199: Procedure names should be unique in a project
DR4 |
Use Separate Declaration Style |
yes |
full |
VHDL126: Multiple declarations should not be written on the same line
DR5 |
Use Separate Statement Style |
yes |
full |
VHDL161: Statements should be on separate lines
DR6 |
Ensure Consistent Indentation |
yes |
low |
VHDL210: Port clauses should be properly formatted
DR7 |
Avoid Using Tabs |
yes |
full |
HDL004: Tabulation characters should not be used
DR8 |
Avoid Large Design Files |
yes |
full |
VHDL033: Files should not have too many lines of code
DR9 |
Ensure Consistent Signal Names Across Hierarchy |
yes |
none |
DR10 |
Ensure Consistent File Header |
yes |
full |
VHDL239: File header should match a template
DR11 |
Ensure Sufficient Comment Density |
yes |
full |
VHDL160: Declarations should be commented
VHDL207: Processes should be commented
VHDL307: Code should be properly commented
DR12 |
Ensure Proper Placement of Comments |
yes |
full |
VHDL194: Trailing comments should not be used
DR13 |
Ensure Company Specific Naming Standards |
yes |
full |
HDL1028: FSM state signal names should comply with a naming convention
VHDL1026: Reset signal names should comply with a naming convention
VHDL181: Alias names should comply with a naming convention
VHDL187: “for” generate statement labels should comply with a naming convention
VHDL1035: Process labels should comply with a naming convention
VHDL171: Package names should comply with a naming convention
VHDL1009: Clock signal names should comply with a naming convention
VHDL309: “if” generate statement labels should comply with a naming convention
VHDL310: “case” generate statement labels should comply with a naming convention
VHDL010: Entity names should comply with a naming convention
VHDL131: Procedure names should comply with a naming convention
VHDL130: Function names should comply with a naming convention
VHDL005: Architecture names should comply with a naming convention
VHDL006: Configuration names should comply with a naming convention
VHDL120: Generic parameter names should comply with a naming convention
VHDL122: Type names should comply with a naming convention
VHDL121: Subtype names should comply with a naming convention
VHDL117: Constant names should comply with a naming convention
VHDL116: Variable names should comply with a naming convention
VHDL119: Signal names should comply with a naming convention
VHDL118: Port names should comply with a naming convention