Linty Documentation

Install Linty Platform

Table of Contents:

Linty extends the SonarQube platform, the leader platform in clean code. Linty adds the following plugins:

The Linty platform is made of two components:

The Linty platform is provided as a Docker image. Please, follow below documentation to install and configure it.

If you already have your own SonarQube platform, download Linty plugins from Linty website into $SONARQUBE_HOME/extensions/plugins and restart your SonarQube platform. Then, jump directly to Configure Linty Platform.

Linty Server / SonarQube versions

Linty Server Embedded SonarQube version
Either Community or Developer Edition
3.1.0 (latest) 10.5.1
3.0.0 10.3.0
2.1.0 10.3.0
2.0.0 10.2.0
1.2.0 10.1.0
1.1.0 10.0.0
1.0.0 9.9.0

Which SonarQube edition to use

If you do not need branch or PR analysis support, install lintyservices/linty-server Docker image based on SonarQube Community Edition.

If you need branch and PR analysis support (recommended), use lintyservices/linty-server-branch-support Docker image based on SonarQube Developer Edition. SonarQube Developer Edition license to be purchased at Note that we can purchase it on your behalf.


Deploy Linty platform

  1. Create a linty user:

    # Create new 'linty' user
    sudo adduser linty
    # Set 'linty' user's password if not asked during the previous step, ignore otherwise.
    sudo passwd linty
    # Add 'linty' to sudoers
    #  - Ubuntu/Debian
    sudo adduser linty sudo
    #  - CentOS
    sudo usermod -aG wheel linty
    # Add 'linty' to 'docker' group
    sudo groupadd docker
    sudo usermod -aG docker linty


  2. All the below commands (whatever the section) are to be run with linty user. So, let’s become linty user:

    sudo su - linty


  3. Create a new file: sudo vi /etc/sysctl.d/99-linty.conf, with the following content:

    Reload kernel properties:

    sudo sysctl --system


  4. Create a directory to store Linty artifacts: $LINTY_HOME. We propose /opt/linty. But location is up to you.

    sudo mkdir /opt/linty
    sudo chown linty:linty /opt/linty


  5. Create a new file: vi $LINTY_HOME/docker-compose.yml (Replace $LINTY_HOME with proper location). Replace <version> with proper lintyservices/linty-server or lintyservices/linty-server-branch-support image version. Feel free to change database name, user and password in both containers but do not forget to replace those values in subsequent commands as default linty values are used in this documentation. Double-check proper two-space indentation before saving the file.

    version: "3.8"
          - linty-database
        image: lintyservices/linty-server:<version>
        # Comment line above and uncomment line below to get branch and PR analysis support
        # image: lintyservices/linty-server-branch-support:<version>
        container_name: linty-server
          - 9000:9000
          - linty-network
          - SONAR_JDBC_URL=jdbc:postgresql://linty-database:5432/linty_db_name
          - SONAR_JDBC_USERNAME=linty_db_user
          - SONAR_JDBC_PASSWORD=linty_db_password
          - linty_data:/opt/sonarqube/data
          - linty_logs:/opt/sonarqube/logs
        image: postgres:15
        container_name: linty-database
          - linty-network
          - POSTGRES_DB=linty_db_name
          - POSTGRES_USER=linty_db_user
          - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=linty_db_password
          - linty_database:/var/lib/postgresql
          - linty_database_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data


  6. Create and start Linty:

    cd $LINTY_HOME
    docker compose up -d


  7. Wait for a few seconds before browsing http://localhost:9000. Default credentials are admin/admin.
  8. Change admin password when prompted
  9. Accept usage of third-party plugins when prompted
  10. You can now configure your Linty platform and scan your code

Stop and restart Linty

To stop Linty:

docker compose stop


To restart Linty:

docker compose start

Run Linty as a service

  1. Create a new file: sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/linty.service. Replace $LINTY_HOME with proper location.

    ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker compose -f $LINTY_HOME/docker-compose.yml up --force-recreate
    ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker compose -f $LINTY_HOME/docker-compose.yml down


  2. To take into account this new linty service, run once:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload


  3. To automatically start linty service at boot, run once:

    sudo systemctl enable linty


To manually start linty service:

sudo systemctl start linty


To manually stop linty service:

sudo systemctl stop linty

Backup and restore database

Create a directory to store database backups: $LINTY_BACKUP_DIR. We propose /opt/linty/backups. But location is up to you.

mkdir /opt/linty/backups

Backup database

Manual backup

docker exec linty-database /bin/bash \
  -c "/usr/bin/pg_dump -F c -U linty_db_user linty_db_name" \
  | gzip -9 > $LINTY_BACKUP_DIR/linty-database-backup.sql.gz 

Automated backups

  1. Create a new file: vi $LINTY_HOME/ (Replace $LINTY_HOME with proper location) with the following content (Replace $LINTY_BACKUP with proper location):

    set -e
    DEST=$DEST_DIR/linty-database-backup-$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M).sql
    docker exec linty-database /bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/pg_dump -F c -U linty_db_user linty_db_name" > $DEST
    gzip -9 $DEST
    find $DEST_DIR -type f -mtime +$KEEP_DAYS -delete


  2. Make this script executable:

    chmod +x 


  3. Add cron job to back up your database on a regular basis:

    sudo crontab -e
    # For instance, add the following line to back up the database every day at 2:00 AM
    # (replace $LINTY_HOME with proper location):
    0 2 * * * sudo su linty -c '$LINTY_HOME/'


  4. On a regular basis, copy $LINTY_BACKUP_DIR directory to another machine to have redundant backup

Restore database

  1. Stop Linty:

    # If installed as a service:
    sudo systemctl stop linty
    # If not installed as a service:
    cd $LINTY_HOME
    docker compose stop


  2. Start database container only:

    cd $LINTY_HOME
    docker compose up -d linty-database


  3. Restore from database backup:

    gzip -d -k linty-database-backup.sql.gz
    docker cp linty-database-backup.sql linty-database:/var/lib/postgresql/data
    docker exec linty-database psql -U linty_db_user -d postgres -c "DROP DATABASE linty_db_name;"
    docker exec linty-database psql -U linty_db_user -d postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE linty_db_name OWNER linty_db_user;"
    docker exec linty-database pg_restore -U linty_db_user -d linty_db_name /var/lib/postgresql/data/linty-database-backup.sql
    docker container stop linty-database
    docker container rm linty-server linty-database
    docker volume rm linty_linty_data


  4. Restart Linty:

    # If installed as a service:
    sudo systemctl restart linty
    # If not installed as a service:
    cd $LINTY_HOME
    docker compose up -d

Upgrade Linty

  1. Back up your Linty database: See “Backup database” section.
  2. Carefully read the upgrade notes.
  3. Stop Linty:

    # If installed as a service:
    sudo systemctl stop linty
    # If not installed as a service:
    cd $LINTY_HOME
    docker compose stop


  4. Update version of lintyservices/linty-server or lintyservices/linty-server-branch-support Docker image in $LINTY_HOME/docker-compose.yml:

        image: lintyservices/linty-server:<new-version>
        # image: lintyservices/linty-server-branch-support:<new-version>


  1. Restart Linty:

    # If installed as a service:
    sudo systemctl restart linty
    # If not installed as a service:
    cd $LINTY_HOME
    docker compose up --force-recreate -d


  2. Browse http://localhost:9000/setup and update database if required

Migrate from a legacy (non-Docker) Linty platform

If you are not running PostgreSQL 11 or greater, please contact Linty support before starting the migration.

  1. Upgrade your SonarQube platform to the latest LTS (9.9.0) with latest Linty plugins
  2. Shut down your current SonarQube platform
  3. Follow “Create Linty platform” section. Replace database name, user and password with your current values.
  4. Backup your current database:

    /usr/bin/pg_dump -F c -U <db-user> <db-name> | gzip -9 > ./linty-database-backup.sql.gz 


  5. Follow “Backup and restore database > Restore database” section with the backup you just created
  6. Ask for a new license key

Install Linty documentation locally

Linty latest version of the documentation is available online.

Linty documentation can also be made available locally from you host machine if, for instance:

To make the documentation available locally:

  1. Add a linty-doc service to $LINTY_HOME/docker-compose.yml:

    version: "3.8"
        image: lintyservices/linty-doc:<version>  # <version> should match linty-server or linty-server-branch-support version
        container_name: linty-doc
          - 8080:80
          - linty-network


  2. Restart Linty:

    # If installed as a service:
    sudo systemctl restart linty
    # If not installed as a service:
    cd $LINTY_HOME
    docker compose up --force-recreate -d


  3. Browse local documentation at http://localhost:8080

Clean up before re-installing Linty from scratch

To start from scratch and run a fresh Linty platform:

  1. Stop Linty:

    # If installed as a service:
    sudo systemctl stop linty
    # If not installed as a service:
    cd $LINTY_HOME
    docker compose stop


  2. Clean up:

    # Remove existing Docker containers
    docker container rm linty-server linty-database
    # Remove existing Docker volumes
    # Volume prefix is 'linty-'. It is the name of the directory containing your docker-compose.yml file followed by an underscore.
    # Update the prefix accordingly if your docker-compose.yml file is not located in /opt/linty
    docker volume rm \
      linty_linty_data \
      linty_linty_database \
      linty_linty_database_data \


To follow logs:

docker logs -f <container-name>

# To follow logs of linty-server:
docker logs -f linty-server

# To follow logs of linty-database:
docker logs -f linty-database

To enter a container with a bash:

docker exec -it <container_name> bash

# To debug linty-server:
docker exec -it linty-server bash

# To debug linty-database:
docker exec -it linty-database bash

Add Additional Plugins

To add additional plugins:

  1. Create a new directory: mkdir /opt/linty/custom_plugins
  2. Add your custom plugins to this directory
  3. Update /opt/linty/docker-compose.yml as below:

          - /opt/linty/custom_plugins:/opt/sonarqube/extensions/custom_plugins


Docker Image Content

