Rules to Check

Each language (VHDL, Verilog/SystemVerilog, HDL, Tcl) comes with a default quality profile (i.e.: Set of rules to check). Rules activated in this default quality profile are supposed to be applicable in most contexts.

Linty provides two scan engines:

  • Linter: To detect issues based on source code analysis. Issues detected are about maintainability of your code (naming conventions, coding standards, complexity, etc.). Those rules are tagged linter.

  • BugFinder: To detect issues based on synthesized code analysis. Issues detected are about reliability (bugs) and maintainability. Those rules are tagged bug-finder.

We recommend to create your own quality profile(s) to accurately match your requirements. You can create as many quality profiles as you wish.

Create Quality Profile

To create a new quality profile, we recommend to copy the default profile and customize it. To do so, go to Quality Profiles and click on the Create button (top-right corner):

Create Quality Profile

Configure Quality Profile

Configure your quality profile to match your requirements.

Activate New Rules

Browse your quality profile and click on the Inactive rules:

Inactive Rules

Activate rules that you find valuable in your context:

Activate Rule

Then, you can set severity and parameters:

Set rule severity and parameters

Deactivate Rules

Browse your quality profile and click on the Active rules:

Active Rules

Deactivate rules that you do not find valuable in your context:

Deactivate Rule

See SonarQube Quality Profiles official documentation for more details.

Set Quality Profile to Use

For each project, you can configure which quality profiles to use. Browse your project and go to Project Settings > Quality Profiles.

Rules with beta Tag

A rule with a beta tag means that it is not yet fully accurate. Either, it raises too many false positives or it misses too many issues (too many false negatives).