CNES CUSTOM Coverage by Linty Rules
ID |
Title |
Automatable |
Coverage (full / high / low / none) |
Comments |
Linty Rules |
Identification of active low signal |
no |
none |
Unsuitability of frequency in clock name |
yes |
full |
Unsuitability of pin number in signal name |
yes |
full |
Name of testbench entity |
yes |
full |
Convention for signal naming |
no |
none |
Convention for constant naming |
no |
none |
Convention for process naming |
no |
none |
Convention for generic ports |
no |
none |
Convention for custom type naming |
no |
none |
Identification of variable name |
yes |
full |
Identification of ports direction inside entity port name |
yes |
full |
Identification of process label |
yes |
full |
Identification of constant name |
yes |
full |
Identification of generic port name |
yes |
full |
Identification of custom type name |
yes |
full |
Identification of package element |
yes |
low |
Only package name is checked for now |
Identification of rising edge detection signal |
no |
none |
Identification of falling edge detection signal |
no |
none |
Identification of registered signals |
yes |
none |
Identification of Finite State Machine |
yes |
full |
Name of RTL architectures |
yes |
high |
Name of configuration entity |
no |
none |
Preservation of clock name |
yes |
high |
Preservation of reset name |
yes |
high |
Length of entities name |
yes |
full |
Length of signals name |
yes |
full |
Number of lines in file |
yes |
full |
Software VHDL generator in header of file |
no |
none |
File name in the header of file |
yes |
full |
Creation date in the header of file |
yes |
full |
Project name in the header of file |
yes |
full |
Author in the header of file |
yes |
full |
Functional description in the header of file |
yes |
high |
Naming convention in the header of file |
yes |
full |
Functional limitation in the header of file |
yes |
high |
Current version number in the header of file |
yes |
full |
Author of modification(s) in the header of file |
yes |
full |
Version history in the header of file |
yes |
full |
Reason(s) of modification(s) in the header of file |
yes |
full |
Functional impact(s) of modifications in the header of file |
yes |
full |
Functional description of modifications in the header of file |
yes |
full |
Applicable license in header of file |
yes |
full |
Company coding in the header of file |
yes |
full |
Company owner of code in the header of file |
yes |
full |
Reset registers |
yes |
none |
Finite State Machine coding style |
no |
none |
Generic rule for CNE-04700, CNE-4800 |
Finite State Machine single process based |
yes |
none |
Finite State Machine two processes based |
yes |
none |
Use of clock signal |
yes |
full |
Multiplexor coding style |
no |
none |
Generic rule for CNE-05100, CNE-05200 |
Multiplexor single process based |
yes |
none |
Multiplexor direct assertion based |
yes |
none |
Hierarchical level of entity |
yes |
none |
Number of nested packages |
yes |
full |
Dimension of array |
yes |
full |